Birmingham Home

In keeping with my goals to finish 3 more paintings (since the beginning of November) for Christmas for those clients who have been waiting just over a year now, this is my second one to finish. Or so, I'm at that point where I'm going to consider it so. I've been looking at it for quite a while, studying it, etc. and today I finally put the last touches on it--mainly the shadowed area of the porch on the right. It is distorted, yes. That's my style in house portraits--they look happy and musical as though dancing. I hope my client likes it. This is a beautiful home in Birmingham, Alabama. Your comments are welcomed and appreciated!


Claire Kayser said…
Love it! Very fun angles, great texture and color. They should love it, sis!
Carole Foret said…
Thank you so much Sis--your critique means alot to me coming from a talented painter like you! ;)
Anonymous said…
Oh wow! I love the sense of light in this that you captured in the roof shadow lines. very nice.
Elisa said…
"Happy" - that is how I've always thought of your paintings. I love the whimsical quality. Your client will be thrilled, I'm sure.

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